Appropriations, 20.190
Capital improvement debt authorized, 20.866 (2) (zx) to (zz)
Chairperson, 15.07 (2) (h)
Compensation, 15.07 (5) (j)
Cooperation with agriculture, trade and consumer protection dept., 42.10
Coordination of activities with administration dept. and building commission, 42.106
Creation, members, 15.445 (4)
General provisions, 15.07
Powers and duties, 42.01
Crowd and traffic control services grants, 42.12
Employment of aid recipients, 230.147 (3)
Development, 13.488 (7), 42.09
Leasing, 42.04
Olympic ice training center, 42.11
Staff, 42.03, 42.035
Ticket scalping, penalty, 42.07
Violating law or rule governing, 946.73
Worker's compensation insurance for employees, 42.08
Tax levy by county, 59.56 (14)
Town appropriations, 60.23 (3)
false imprisonment FALSE IMPRISONMENT
Arrest of person guilty of, order, 782.34
Compensation to innocent persons, 775.05
Limitation of action, 893.57
Penalty, 940.30
Runaway homes not liable for, 48.227 (5)
Warrant to bring up prisoner, 782.33
family, actions affecting FAMILY, ACTIONS AFFECTING
Generally, Ch. 767
family court commissioner office FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER OFFICE
family planning FAMILY PLANNING
Display or advertisement to minors, 450.155
Emergency contraception for sexual assault victims, 50.375
Sale prohibited in public schools, 450.16
Health services department, duties, 253.07
farm mediation and arbitration program FARM MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION PROGRAM
Generally, 93.50
farmers_ mutual telecommunications companies FARMERS' MUTUAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES
farmland preservation FARMLAND PRESERVATION
Generally, Ch. 91
Agreements, 91.13
Change of ownership, 91.17
Conversion, 91.23
Eligibility, 91.11
Penalty for use change, 91.21
Relinquishment of, 91.19
Soil and water conservation plan requirement, 92.104, 92.105
Transition area, 91.14
Certification of ordinances and plans, 91.06
Conditional use permit for nonagricultural use, subject to lien, 91.79
Correctional institutions, 91.19 (6m)
County agricultural preservation plans:
Certification, 91.61
Content, 91.55
Coordination, 91.59
Implementation programs, 91.57
Purpose, 91.51
Revisions, 91.63
Studies, 91.53
Definitions, 91.01
Exclusive agricultural zoning, 91.71 to 91.78
Initial agreements:
Applications, 91.33
Conversion, 91.41
Eligibility, 91.31
Liens, 91.37
Provisions, 91.35
Renewal, 91.39
Interdepartmental cooperation, 91.03
Penalty for use change, 91.21
Preliminary agricultural areas delineation, 91.05
Rule-making authority, 91.07
Soil and water conservation, 91.80, 92.105
Soil and water conservation plan, requirement, 92.104
Special assessments, exemption for farmland preservation land, 91.15
Zoning, exclusive agricultural, 91.71 to 91.78
farms FARMS
federal aid FEDERAL AID
Acceptance of, 16.54
Administrative budgets, review, 16.54 (5)
Aeronautics, transportation department, 114.32